Friday, February 26, 2010

Keep Your Brad Pitt- Just Give Me Tom

You know you're a true journalism student when the thought of seeing Tom Brokaw in person gives you butterflies. That's exactly what happened yesterday when I found out the award-winning news anchor and journalist would be on our campus delivering a stand-up for his upcoming show about baby boomers. Some people get excited thinking about seeing a favorite singer or good-looking actor. But just mention the possibility of seeing Tom Brokaw in person, and it's enough to make me act like a ridiculous five-year-old little girl who can't stop giggling.

Our encounter with Tom began when we stalked him in the food court and took note of his food choices. Orange juice and a fruit parfait. I wanted to stand and watch him eat, but decided I needed to be a bit more professional.

So instead Caroline and I took cheesy pictures of ourselves with him in the background.

Oh, and we also helped out with the purpose of his visit by providing him with an attractive background for his stand-up. That was the point of this visit, right? To find some eager and giddy girls to stand behind him? No problem, Tom. We got you covered.

Finally, we met the man himself. We talked about the Olympics and being mass comm graduates and he asked us to come work for him in New York. Okay, that last part didn't exactly happen, but a girl can dream.

Apparently we weren't the only females excited about meeting him.

It was definitely a day to remember. I'm already setting my DVR to catch my national television debut on CNBC, oh, and to learn about Tom Brokaw's thoughts on the successors to the baby boomers. Check me out at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 4th on CNBC. I'm in the red coat.

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