Monday, February 8, 2010


A rare winter storm covered us in a beautiful white blanket this morning. Giant snow flakes continued to fall well into the afternoon, accumulating somewhere between 4-6 inches. It was the perfect snowfall that beckoned you to come out to play, the perfect density to shape and mold. As we took some shots of the campus, we came across evidence of a snowball fight or two, as well as some random happy snowmen ready for their close-ups. See more photos on our Facebook page, and share your own by sending campus pics to me.


Steve said...

The foot of snow was nice once the driveways and the main roads were cleared.

Anonymous said...

The snow was a shocker to me. I was watching television the other day and I was jealous of NJ getting snow. The next day when I was at work the snow started coming down and during my break majority of the co-worker was outside throwing snowball. It was a fun activity. I'm kinda of glad that we are having snow it seem like Arkansas miss out on alot of things.Also I CAN ENJOY THE FREE SNOW DAY FROM SCHOOL GIVES BOTH THE TEACHER AND STUDENTS BREAK LOL.

Robin Henson said...

Great shots - thanks for braving the elements to get these. Our campus is so lovely in white.

Anonymous said...

This is really pretty, the snow mans made me rofl

nenusaitham prapanchagniki samidhanokkati aahuthisthaanu said...

i enjoyed the snowfall in Arkansas.the pics were good

Anonymous said...

What a shock - I had almost stopped believing in snow...

Christa M. Sheppard said...

Fabulous pic's! This snow came out of no where, however, it was a lovely surprise :D I'm love'n it in Hot Springs, AR. It's so beautiful on our mountains here.

Tim Randolph *aka* Tee Crazy said...

Nice Snow Pics! -I got stuck at parents' place. I had no knowledge of the snow coming! I was just about to eat dinner and head home, until my niece informed me the outside was filled with ice & snow! I just wish I knew ahead of time; I would have been prepared for it.

Anonymous said...

Monday 2/8/10 was a blessed day...

Anonymous said...

I love snow...and the campus looks good in white.
It should wear it more often!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. Was utterly shocked to see it snowing as if rain was coming down. Our campus is lovely covered in white, wish I was close enough to take some shots of it myself.



Anonymous said...

This does not make sense at all...the weather for today(wednesday) will be just as good as tueday, don't know why they had to cancel again today.As a student I think we are beginning to fall back with our semester set syllabus'. I really was looking forward in going to all my classes today. I hope the message on the website changes at least at 6am!

Anonymous said...

My hometown is Milwaukee, Wisconsin and I miss the snow. This snowfall here is so beautiful, light and fluffy. My 2 Doxies roll in it....they flip it up in the air with their noses (they are from Germany afterall). My Chihuahua looks at them like "what are you guys nuts"?? He is from Mexico!! LOL.

Me, I am a snowbird and LOVE the snow!! Wish I could go skiing!!! It has been fun having the time off to catch up on homework too! Thanks UALR and God and Mother Nature!!!

Britney Elmore said...

The snow looks beautiful!! Pics are awesome!! Snow fights are fun!! At least this has created more study time for classes! Woop!

Kasandra B said...

A snowfall is an incredibly peaceful experience to me. I have lived in Minnesota and miss not having much snow here. Our campus is really beautiful. I live in Hot Springs, it was pretty here too but wish I could have been here as it fell.

I love the snowmen, they are really cute!

Anonymous said...

I like snow ... you can make snowballs and throw it on other people ... that makes me happy ... that's why, I like snow ... you can even make snowmen ... that's also why I like snow.

I like snow ...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice pics, the campus always looks good. Why all of the sudden does it look good in white?

Anonymous said...

The snow is beautiful here in Arkansas. My son in Maryland, though, is very tired of it as 29.5 inches fell at his house and another 12+ inches is in the process of falling. Don't want that much here!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mother Nature.....UALR looks fabulous in white!

Kristin said...

I'm going to miss it now that it's all gone-- I really got a kick at (attempting) to make a snowman and (attempting) to sled.

Unfortunately, I'm very clumsy.

Anonymous said...

I am also going to miss the snow, now that it's all gone-- I also really got a kick at (attempting) to make a snowman and (attempting) to take pictures of the beautiful scenery.

Anonymous said...

I'm also going to miss the sun as it rose on Tuesday morning after the dreary like overcast on monday.

Unfortunately, I know all things come to an end.

Pradeep said...

The pictures are beautiful! It was great to have snow last Monday. But then Tuesday and Wednesday were not that fun staying at home :)

Anonymous said...

Haha! My snowman with the mohawk made it on the website. Nice shot of it.

Varun Reddy Goguri said...

hmm............i am in rapid city, South Dakota now and i see snow everywhere and i am sick of it now, i wish i would have been in littlerock, not only to njoy the snow but would have been so close to my friends in Texas.